1. slip as to.......

2. duplicate stitch

3. twisted cord

4. finishing a knit cardigan with crochet neckband, front bands and buttonholes with spacing

5. knit and crochet buttons

6. pick up and knit stitches along rows

7. crochet waistband and casing

8. knitting with beads

9. learn to knit socks with free pattern

10. one row buttonhole

11. salish shoulder

12. tubular cast on and bind off

13. why is shorter longer

14. binding off with a crochet hook


More miscellaneous tips are coming to this page




knitting in scottsdale design studio
e-mail: knitinscotts@cox.net
phone: (602) 396-2015
 Copyright © (2008) knitting in scottsdale, all rights reserved
site designed by MHK